独家专访Owl City 易害羞喜欢以不同的身份示人

发布时间: 2021-08-14 12:37:32 来源: 长春生活网 栏目: 娱乐圈事 点击:

独家专访Owl City 易害羞喜欢以不同的身份示人 红遍全球的美国电音流行摇滚乐团Owl City展开中国巡演,称巡演都将会满足所有人的期待!

独家专访Owl City 易害羞喜欢以不同的身份示人

[摘要]红遍全球的美国电音流行摇滚乐团Owl City展开中国巡演,称巡演都将会满足所有人的期待!

独家专访Owl City 易害羞喜欢以不同的身份示人

Owl City







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    腾讯娱乐讯 凭借一首《Fireflies》(萤火虫)红遍全球的美国电音流行摇滚乐团Owl City(猫头鹰之城),在中国歌迷的千呼万唤中将于今年第三度访华,展开自己的全新巡演。热潮来临前我们先来对Owl City进行一段独家专访。


    Owl City:Fans can expect a lot of variety. New songs, old songs, deep cuts and B-sides will all make appearances throughout the show, so if you are a new fan, or old fan, hopefully the concert will resonate with everyone there.(歌迷这次可以期待更多。新的歌曲,老的歌曲,重新剪辑的以及B-sides都将会呈现在这场演出中,如果不论是新歌迷还是老歌迷,这场演出都将会满足所有人的期待。)


    Owl City:I am actually a really shy person so truthfully, it was tough having to do a lot of promo and shows but I’ve grown to love being on stage and I have my supportive fans to thank for that. Thank you so much for your kind support over the years. I am so happy to be able to play my music in China and I hope to continue touring there for years to come. Thank you!(老实说其实我真的是个很容易害羞的人,一开始扑面而来的宣传活动和演出对我来说挺艰难的,但是现在我已经变得热爱舞台了,而且很感谢那些支持我的粉丝。谢谢你们这么多年的支持,我很开心能在中国演出,也希望今后几年能够继续这种巡演,谢谢!)


    Owl City:Batman! Batman has always been my favorite super hero. There is something so dark and brooding about the character that I've always loved.(蝙蝠侠!蝙蝠侠一直是我最喜欢的超级英雄。他黑暗又忧郁的性格特点一直是我最爱的。)


    Owl City:I like performing under different monikers because it’s like an alter ego and I actually have a bunch of different names I’ve created different projects under, just like Owl City.(我喜欢以不同的身份示人,因为它们代表着我个性中不一样的一面,事实上我有很多不同的名字,被用于不同的音乐项目中,就像Owl City。)


    Owl City:I remember the Chinese food being a lot different from what I would order in Minnesota! I am so excited to return because I love food and I didn’t have a lot of time to explore the sites and restaurants during my last trip.(我记忆中很多中国的美食和我在明尼苏达州的食物截然不同。我非常兴奋能够再次回到这里,因为我爱这里的美食,而且我上次没有足够的时间来挖掘这些餐厅和有美食的地方。)


    Owl City:Fans can expect a lot of variety. New songs, old songs, deep cuts and B-sides will all make appearances throughout the show, so if you are a new fan, or old fan, hopefully the concert will resonate with everyone there.(歌迷这次可以期待更多。新的歌曲,老的歌曲,重新剪辑的以及B-sides都将会呈现在这场演出中,如果不论是新歌迷还是老歌迷,这场演出都将会满足所有人的期待。)

    问:可否透露下新专辑的计划,和前几张专辑有哪些不同,会有EDM DJ合作的单曲吗?

    Owl City:The new album has much more variety than my previous albums. I have gone to great lengths to include songs that sound very different from each other to make for a more diverse collection of songs. This includes features by other artists that I am so proud to collaborate with -- I think their involvement gives the album exactly what it needs in terms of sounding different than my previous works. There are dabbles in dance music, country, rock and electronic genres.(新的专辑会加入更多元素,每首歌曲都有很大的区别,也收录了一些我与我特别喜欢的音乐人的合作曲目——我相信他们赋予了这张专辑更多耳目一新的元素,其中包括舞曲、乡村、摇滚以及电音。)

    本文标题: 独家专访Owl City 易害羞喜欢以不同的身份示人